Posts Tagged ‘Healing’

Noble is the new Sexxy

Gotcha "sprung" off my Spring Robes.

Yeah, it’s bangin’.  I know.  LOL.  Only two more titles to go before I get my, “What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been” achievement.  I still need For The Children and The Flame Keeper.  It looks like it may be June before I finish.  That’s just around the corner.. sort of.  I hope I have the patience for it.  LOL Continue reading

OMG.. Patch?

Did I miss something?

I mean.. I’ve been really busy working on my resume tape, so the patch came and went without much fanfare for me.  Which is odd in itself..

But wasn’t there supposed to be like a change in Tier-10 for us?  I don’t know.  Oh!  Oh, wait.. there it is buried in everything else.

Priest Tier-10 4-Piece Healing Set Bonus: Redesigned. This bonus now increases the effectiveness of the caster’s Power Word: Shield by 5% and Circle of Healing by 10%.

Okay, then, I will eventually have to take a break from RL and find out how it works.  LOL.  I haven’t transmuted in days!

I’ve made about 10 versions of my resume tape in the last week.  Thank goodness for non-linear editing!  Tape-to-tape would make it a total  labor of hate.  Anyhoo- that’s where I’ve been hiding the last few days.  I guess I need to step back into WoW for some fun! 

Nice to know those frozen orb ninjas can’t ninja anymore.  I should make a list of all the people I have stalked after they showed their arse by needing an orb.  I have a few level 1’s who were made expressly for that purpose.  It takes a real sonofab!tch to wait until everyone greeds to need.  And it takes a real b!tch to stalk them and tell them what jerks they are.  Yeeeeeeeeppppppppp…

I actually look forward to trying the new bonus in a raiding situation.  I think our leet 10-man starts this week.  That will be nice.

Anxious to read what you guys think of the patch and the bonus “redesign.”  Leave a comment!

Happy Raiding!






Pug-Nasty Pug-Foolery

I didn’t think I could do it, but I got 24 people- with decent gear and decent skills- to go into ICC.  I got the loot rules out of the way quickly.  One need roll for main spec for the raid.  If no one needs it for a main spec, then an off spec roll.  And if no one wanted it for off spec, then those who had already won something could greed roll with the rest of us.  Primordial Saronite was held for the end of the raid.  (I rolled a 99 for that, and with all the pain and suffering this pug caused, I think Blizz owed it to me.   LOL)

It really wasn’t THAT bad, but it wasn’t that great either.  The trash pulls were going fine, when that stupid Belt of the Lonely Noble dropped.  It’s BoE so naturally it was “hey, if you win this, you must equip immediately.”  The only holy pally said he would take it.  He was the only one to roll.  So I gave it to him.  Then he says, “That wasn’t a boss.  So that was a greed roll.”  Of course that sets off a cacophony of complaints from anyone else who could wear it.  Everyone wanted to re-roll greed.  So the pally loses it to someone else- who again I tell them to put the darn thing on.  (Somehow, I think that belt could end up on the AH anyway- but whatever.)  After wasting time on that, a former guildie who was tanking on an alt was like, “Everyone calm down.”

All the while I am thinking.. I need to re-think this one-woman guild thing.  LOL

So, we down Lord Marrowgar.  Then comes the weekly with good ‘ol Darnavan with Lady Deathwhisper. For some reason, someone had it out for him.  Poor brain-washed thing.  Some noob- or noobs- tried to off him.  So this is me on vent… “Wipe it!”  People die.  We raise the dead.  Folks run back, and someone types, “You don’t call for a wipe just because it’s the weekly.”  I LOL it off and say some of us need the emblems, but others decide to get into a chat-fight.  “I know plenty who would.. why wouldn’t you call for a wipe… blah, blah, blah.”  As the raid leader, you would think folks would listen to me when I say, “Let’s just get a fourth tank to either keep Darnavan or get the adds.”  Oh noooooooo.  Don’t listen to the little woman.  LOL.   We try again.  This time the adds are going nuts, but the third time was the charm.  One tank finally decided it was a good idea… oh but it was his idea of course.  Boys.  We got the mofo down.

On to the gunship.. which was easy peasy.  BUT before we got there, another frigging Belt of the Lonely Noble.  This time the pally gets it and keeps it as his need roll.  Immediate equip.

I had a few people with kids leave early- one former guildie couldn’t take the drama and bailed.  I don’t blame him a bit.  <Wasted Space> had a “no drama” policy.. so dealing with fussy pugs got old for us quickly.  I was almost glad when too many people decided they had to leave.  We missed out on our tokens… darn!

But I learned a lot today…

  • Be firm but nice in the raids.  Being nice can go a long way.
  • Be fair with the loot and explain it up front.
  • There are folks who need these 25-mans even if they are in a guild.  So don’t put up with BS attitudes.
  • Earn the raid’s respect.
  • Always have someone who knows as much as you do- or preferably MORE than you do.  LOL. Thanks, Gujii!
  • If you do it right, they will come back for more. LOL

I have a lot of folks who want to come back next week, but Hubby and I are thinking about starting a really good 10-man that will kill the Lich King and move on to heroic.  That gear is better than the ICC 25 stuff, and it takes less folks to do.   Plus, should I decide to re-join the guild scene, my gear won’t be too far behind.

However, I really gave it serious thought today.  The guild some of my old guildies joined needs healers, and they want me to go, too.  After today, I am seriously considering it.  But again, despite the pug-nastiness of the day, it’s been nice just chillin’.

Happy Raiding!


My "Three Set" and Healing Sideways

I had the four-set of T-1o: three badge pieces and one token piece, but I really like the haste on my Sanguine Silk Robes.  So, I put the T-10 version down for now. My haste sits at a healthy 598 with the robe on.  I go OOM sooner, but hey, “that’s what fiends are for..” (think Dionne Warwick and friends, please.)  If I put on my lovely Gloves of Broken Fingers, my haste is 611.  I just wonder what I am missing out on by not pimping my four-set.


It’s nice to have a haste set- b/c fast spells are good in “oh crap” situations, and the proc of the four-set is so random.. but I like it.  It would be nice to heal an instance the way the show LOST is telling two parallel and opposite story lines right now.  I think they have termed it “sideways” for any LOST fans out there.  Anyhoo.. I wish I could heal one instance two ways at the same time and then look at the results side-by-side.  Wouldn’t that be crazy and awesome?  That way I could tell which Exxy wardrobe is the better wardrobe.  BUT again, I think it all depends on the fight and what kind of damage the raid is taking.  Of course, the mere possibility of a proc is not enough for me to switch or I would have done it by now.   However, there are nights when that proc is on fire!  It is so inconsistent which I guess is the reason why Blizz keeps messing with it.

I will conclude that if I could have the 598 haste AND the four-set bonus, then I would be truly happy and quite possibly overpowered.  Boo on you, Blizz.


I had a delicious pug tonight in ICC 10.  I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.  (Hannibal Lecter, there, and I am just kidding!)  We will finish on Saturday night.   Once again, my only fight as discipline was on Saurfang.  He put one mark up at 2%, but we made it- I am guessing that my guessed absorbs were pretty high.

The good news is, my shadow priest should be hit-capped by now by all the OS gear that gets left behind.  If only I could remember wtf to do with her.  LOL  Any tips are appreciated.  I just love the sound when Exxy goes all purple and gaseous on me.  LOL  She’s fuming!

And… I am picking up players to run a 25 man on Saturday afternoon.  The players seem to be pretty good, and folks here are super-serious about their alts.  Many are very well- geared and there seems to be a good bit of stuff being de’d or off-spec’d which is sad.

Time to go to bed.  I am too pooped to pop!

Happy Raiding!


… where Pug-Foolery lives.

Soooooo… I started my own guild.  That’s right- a guild of one.. with the help of Hubby, some nice strangers and some former guildies- all of which either quit or got kicked by me after I turned my charter in.  We all had an agreement from the beginning.. no ties, no obligations, just sigs, please.

Dancing to my own beat!

My first foray as GM and sole member of <OMG Priest> was into an ICC 25 pug.  It started late, but we made it to Saurfang.  My damn token dropped; however, I rolled a 38.  Too bad, huh?  But it was nice, raiding without being on anyone’s schedule but my own- with my fancy new guild tabard on. Sexxy!  It was a good group surprisingly, and I had fun.  Nothing to report in the way of pug-foolery except for the fact that the raid leader pronounces melee as mee-lee.  That irks me.  It irks me about as bad as a guy who used to say, ay-LEE-uns- like saying “alien” in a weird way but really meaning “alliance.”  Maybe the new raid week will bring more entries to the Pug-Foolery category.

I asked Hubby to come back to my guild.  He promptly told me “no” because he doesn’t want <OMG Priest> over his head. 🙂 I even promised him space in the guild bank.  Still a “no.”  So the name of this guild may be changing soon to something he can stomach. LOL He is trying to come up with something he can live with.  Anyhoo… just thought I would give you an update on the newly crowned Queen of Casual, Princess of Pugs.. Exanna: proud to be the founder of <OMG Priest>.. where Pug-Foolery lives.

Happy Raiding!
